Welcome to The Plaid Cow. It seems more times than not to be closer to a dead cow. I always have some many interesting ideas to put up here, that never seem to work out. And it takes quite a bit of time to try to keep anything up to date at all.

New! Hosting has moved to DreamHost.

About Me

A list of all my online profiles, so that you can know where to contact me.

AppleScripts by Plaid Cow Solutions

A premier provider of AppleScripts for all occasions.

Moo! The Musings of a Plaid Cow

Perhaps this should be a part of the writings. Or maybe the writings will get folded into this. Nothing is for sure, except that this is the fastest growing and easiest to update section of the site. Look for fairly regular updates.

Triangle Fraternity

Though I cannot speak for Triangle Fraternity, I might have a few good things to say. Or I might not. Depends on how much stuff I actually move into this area.


When I have a chance to set down and write, I really like to do so. I haven't had much inspiration recently (which some people may consider a good thing), but quite a bit of my older stuff is still here.

All Content © Copyright 1993-2008 Randall Million Search Google: